Pusssyyinggg.. pernah terjebak di situasi macet dimana didepan lu ada 2 jalan and lu gak tau mana jalan yg terbaik ? apakah jalan A akan lancar atau jalan B yg lebih lancar ? kadang2 berasa seperti orang buta
gw terjebak diantara 2 pilihan yg bakalan mempengaruhi masa depan gw, mempengaruhi kehidupan gw and orang2 disekeliling gw.
Option A : gw bakalan do what i know best and gw bakalan punya jauh lebih banyak freetime
Option B : i'll be learning alot of things and i'll be busy as a bee on a summer day
hmmm.. hard choices,.. seperti memilih jadi ikan kecil di kolam besar atau jadi ikan besar di kolam kecil.. maunya sih jadi ikan besar di kolam besar, and kolamnya makin lama makin besar
I had this kind of argument in my head for the past 1 week, i had a job offer the offer is so sweet, it tempted me so bad.. it effected my emotion and my logical thinking. yet I only have 1 week to decide where i should go, what should i decide
This is what i called a "good problem" karena option mana aja yg gw pilih gak masalah, 2-2nya akan membawa kebaikan buat gw, cuma jalan yg ditempuh berbeda.
dikepala gw terus menerus keluar simulasi2 tentang seperti apa sih kehidupan gw in the next 5 years, kalau gw stay what will happen, if i choose another what will happen.
Pikiran gw kayak rollercoster, up and down, up and down, back and forth, back and forth, gelisah, gak stabil,.. arrrgghhh !!! hate it !!
bayangkan offer untuk bekerja dari rumah, all d free time you want, the chance to grow your own business versus bekerja di corporate level learning more than you can ever imagine, doing things that's bigger than your self, hard choices
Atlast at the very last moment, i decided what i want to do, I'm STAYING !!! one have to commit in what he's doing right now, I have to finish what i started, I owe that much to the company i'm working right now
Temen gw punya analogi yg bagus :
seorang atlit biasanya hanya jago di satu bidang olahraga lu gak pernah liat atlit tennis jago di olahraga tennis dan olahraga renang, biasanya hanya jago di satu hal, so kalo lu dah jago in your previous job why go and fight another different battle ? - he's got a point
tapi gw punya mimpi yg jauh lebih besar gw mo jadi atlet triathlon, gw mo jago di lebih dari 1 bidang, gw gak harus jadi specialist, tapi atleast i know how the business works.. gw mo jadi atlet renang and jadi atlet tembak, atlet sepeda, atlet berlayar, dll, yg penting tetep jadi atlet, kalo gw mo jadi atlet dan juga koki, and juga aktor, itu baru abit impossible ;p
And i can see my self and the company I'm in growing, I'm working something that is bigger than my self. I'm growing the company and the company is growing me, what more can i say
So the decision is I'm staying.. and I believe I'm making the right decision
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