Kamis, 24 November 2011


So something has just popped in my head, if i was a game developer which type of game should I be making ? off course i want to have a very successfull game... 

Let's say I only know 2 types of game.. Arcade (tetris, zuma, etc) and RTS (Real Time Strategy) such as Farmville, cityville, etc

So.. which game perform better in the market, so i've done a little research by my self and the result is :

observe the above chart i've searched the MAU (Monthly Active User) of 3 arcade game ZUMA BLITZ, BEJEWELED BLITZ and TETRIS BATTLE and compare them with 2 RTS game : CITYVILLE and FARMVILLE
i also searched for the percentage of DAU/MAU = Daily Active User divided by Monthly Active User - for me this indicate the user loyalty, the higher the DAU/MAU the higher the loyalty, imagine 100% all registered member play the game, this will make the DAU/MAU = 100%

so observe carefully, you can see that the Cityville is having difficulty in acquisition, and farmville is having the life of their time, with such high acquisition, same with Bejeweled and Tetris battle.

now, observe the DAU/MAU chart.. the RTS on average DAU/MAU = 21-27% while Arcade DAU/MAU is 22-36%, so Aracade game is slightly higher..

So far from this very short and shallow data i can say if i'm a game developer I'll develop some simple to understand and fun to play arcade game - since its user loyalty are higher.. but if we are talking monetization i'm not quite sure, unfortunately i was unable to find revenue's data for those 5 games - so i cant say much
But i have a hunch or a very strong busines instinct.. do you guys remember how heavy Farmville and Cityville campaign at facebook ? those 2 game ads kept popping on my right hand side screen, but do you ever saw any tetris battel ads ? i havent seen any tetris battle ads.. yet tetris battle has 7 mio Monthly Active User.. it's a big number.. so tetris must have a very good viral feature.. actually the name tetris battle comes from you can play tetris up to 6 person online and battle your score, i guess this kind of gameplay really boost up their member registration number, so i would presume Tetris battle might have larger revenue margin than Farmville or Cittyville but I do think Cityville and Farmville absolute number is still much bigger than the rest, since they have huge number of subscription. 

In a game as complicated as RTS i would suggest all game developer insert some arcade game in it, in order to entertain those bored and tired RTS user with something light,easy and fun, so a hybrid model game will be nice.. Hey if you are smart enough to develop a RTS game i'm sure it's easy for you to develop an Aracade game :) - that is if you agree with an asian mind like my self .. do all the things you can do as much as you can ;p -

Senin, 14 November 2011

Panggil saya : Instruktur Sapi Terbang

Eng ing eng.. Instruktur Sapi Terbang... mmmmoooooooo...... he he he he.. image seekor sapi pake kaca hitam n melenguh dan mengepak-ngepakkan sayap selalu menghibur gw,.. and mengangkat semangat gw :D

Instruktur Sapi Terbang adalah analogi yg gw ciptakan buat diri gw sendiri, gw adalah instruktur sapi terbang, pekerjaan gw adalah membuat sapi terbang :D

Sapi adalah hewan yang sangat berat dan termasuk lamban namun potensi yang ada didalam diri sapi tersebut sangat banyak, dari kekuatannya, susu-nya, dagingnya sampai penampilan fisiknya yang sering dijadikan icon, it's very usefull, bayangkan kalau mahluk serba guna seperti itu bisa terbang, pasti lebih memukau lagi.. apalagi kalau sapinya ungu dan pake kacamata hitam...

That's me.. the person who teaches cows to fly with style (using rayban glasses)

Sapi adalah analogi potensi besar yang sangat masif dan lamban, namun kalo segenap potensi itu bisa di "ignite" maka akan mengeluarkan ledakan yang amazing sekali n pada akhirnya akan memukau kita semua, that is my personal goal..to train, to share, to harness, and to open the pandora box of every hidden massive opportunity, making things happen in a great way !!!

Akulah Instruktur Sapi Terbang ? mau sapimu bisa terbang ? call me.. I'll make your purple cow fly so high with style.. people will go.. WOW !!! and wonder whose cow is that :D.. dont worry I'll stay in the background, you can have your moment, for me it's enough when i see your cow fly high :D

Akulah Instruktur Sapi Terbang.. eng ing eng... moooooooooooo.....

Rabu, 02 November 2011

5 people that I most respect and thus become my role model : Part 1 : Sergei Korolev

5 people that I most respect and thus become my role model :
Part 1 : Sergei Korolev

Short brief :
He was destined by the Soviet Government to became a carpenter but he refuse to be a carpenter and he taught him self how to build an airplane, and thus he became a airplane designer and than become a leading person in Soviet Rocket research, when Stalin came to power, he was jailed in Siberia sentence to do 10 years hard labor. After the German defeated by Soviet He was called to service to imitate German V2 rocket and from there he became the first man to put a satellite in space, to launch the first dog to space, launch the first man to space, launch the first woman to space and many more, he was a man told to be a carpenter and went to become the “Chief Designer” of Soviet Space Race.  

More on Sergei Korolev can be found at :  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergei_Korolev

And this is Why I respect him :
a.       Educate your self to achieve your dream !
As a soviet boy his future is sealed by the job predetermined by the Soviet Government – he was destined by The Soviet Government to be a carpenter yet he managed to study his way out and become Soviet number 1 Rocket Designer and bare the title “Chief Designer”
b.      Stop complaining  and look to the future
He put a side the past behind him and look towards the future – He was prisoned, threatened at gun point by his own Government , yet he see it all as a challenge and not an obstacle, he kept working with his heart and not with his vengeance.
c.       Nothing is impossible just do – Keep persistence nothing is impossible
He work with tight schedule and impossible condition, Sergei was the leading man in Rocket technology he works with limited technology to create new tools to put man in space, what was impossible became possible.