Jumat, 26 April 2013


Question to think about when you read this blog : 
Startup and SME is not everybody (it's tiring, no real job desc, etc) , and the big companies are not hiring just everybody -> so what's your worth ?

This is an old story that repeat itself a zillion time and I’m sure you all have heard 1001 version of it, It is the story of an employee that feels unappreciated, with the environment is not supportive enough and the list goes on, the bottom line is a BITCHING EMPLOYEE

Make no mistake I’m now an employee and yes there were time when I BITCHED a lot , when the world is not as ideal as I expected I BITCHED and I BITCHED a lot.
Now I no longer do that, I guess time has made me a bit wiser.

This is my personal view and advice to the employee that BITCHES all day long, about how un-perfect the company they work with and how un-supportive their boss or their co-worker is :

You have lots of option and if you are as good as all the excuses, arguments and all that judgment that comes out of your mouth you should be able to leave the company that you so despise and go create your own business or move to a bigger stable company !

If it’s not happening yet, shut up, stop bitching and move on.

Moving on means : you either can suck it up, stay, do your job or you can quit your job, nobody is holding you for ransom at your work, so just quit your job, life is too short for you to bitch all day long.

Go travel, go reach for the stars, go make things happen, I know for sure that you are worth it and you can do big things! So why do you stay in the same crappy company that you bitch all day long!
If you are that good, people will look for you!, headhunter will wait in line for you ! (trust me, I’ve been there)  move on ! if you fail ? So what? Start over! – Afraid to fail? Then STOP BITCHING!

One thing for sure, as ugly or stupid your Boss can be, he/she is your Boss, he/she still pays you every month and you still take her/his money, so where does that puts you ? Not as noble as your argument,I should say.

None of your Bitching can change that reality, so move on, change things! Just quit your job and seek your ideal job !

This is my suggestion to you, I have 2 suggestion :
A.      If you decided to stay in your crappy company ! -> I don’t know why you want to stay if you bitch a lot !
1.       Start making things happens, show result , there’s a reason why your Boss doesn’t treat you as good as you want it to be, because your Boss don’t see the full potential that you can deliver, why your Boss doesn’t see that because you are not making things happen, you don’t show result
2.       No Excuses¸ dude! How old are you? Excuses are for 5 year old, no excuses! The world is not fair and it’s sure not damn Perfect!, things don’t happen easily, either you make it or you brake it.
You don’t change the wind, you adjust the sail
3.       Record your achievement, and show it to your Boss, see how your Boss response. Good response you stay, No response or Bad response, ditch your boss, he/she aint worth it !
4.       Create your sphere of influence, no one can work alone, you’ll need help from your coworker to make things happen, so get socialize, be friend, discuss work, get to know co worker, do favor, scratch their back so they’ll scratch yours.
5.       Build your bargaining power, remember employment is a business deal ! no different from you buying a burger at a fast food restaurant, you don’t like the deal don’t make the deal, move on.
The reason why you Bitch a lot because your losing the battle, you lose the battle because you don’t have enough bargaining power to bargain with your boss.
You don’t have enough bargaining power because you don’t show any result!
If you show result and your boss doesn’t appreciate you, then leave!! There are others out there who will appreciate what you do
My favorite quote is from the US President Teddy Roosevelt : talk softly and carry a big stick !  -> meaning don’t BITCH ! stay calm and show result, show what’s your worth !  
    If you decided to leave the company and start your own business -> Good for you
1.        You will fail !, You failed already when you were with your lousy boss who keep paying your monthly salary, what makes you think you will succeed in the real world by yourself? You will fail and you must accept that condition. What you have to do is to prepare yourself to fail and bounce back as soon as you can
2.       Be smart with your finance, dude you are on your own, be prudent with your finance, be prepare for the up coming winter, store some food (money) in your bank account for that long winter
3.       Build Network, No one can achieve big things alone, you’ll need friends and mentor to guide you. Build a network filled with people from various expertise to give you advice.
4.       I bet you’re as lousy as your former boss, maybe worst, so you start your own business, with limited capital and limited client base, how do you think you will response to that situation? with limited money you need to hire your employee and pay their monthly salary with no guarantee of result, while in the same time you’ll need to save some money for un-wanted event, and in the same time you’ll expect only the best from your employee, you want to squeeze every inch of productivity that your employee has, what kind of boss do you think you’ll become ? Will you be able to focus your attention and strength to all condition in the office ? or will you focus only on sales because of your limited capital ? Will you listen to all of your employee feedbacks ? or will you trust your instinct – it’s your company it’s your money so you should do what you believe.

The world is not perfect and it’s not fair we all know that, so stop wasting your energy by BITCHING and start using your energy for something that truly matters !

Good luck and I hope you'll find what ever dream your looking for, so you can STOP BITCHING AND MOVE ON.:D

Kamis, 03 Januari 2013

Indonesian Mobile subscriber,mobile internet 2012 Data

Hi All, i'm just updating my research on Indonesian Mobile Internet Behavior Data.
This data is acquired by internet research so if you have other data or some data are mistaken  please feel free to comment

My takeaway:

1. Although it seems like everyone in Indonesia (or maybe more precisely in the 8 Major cities) in Indonesia uses Blackberry, even the 11 y.o is seen using Blackberry based on the data I found, there's only 5 mio Blackberry User in Indonesia -> compare that to 45-55million Mobile internet user.

2. Android rises to be one of the most popular OS in Indonesia (no need to tell you this) ;p

3. Indonesian ARPU (Average Revenue Per User) is around 2-3 USD/month, i believe last year was around 3-4 USD/month

1. comparing the smartphone and feature phone data. Smartphone = 13,5 mio Feature Phone : 41,5 mio, Indonesia is still a feature phone market
2. Android is on the rise, so if you want to transition your product from feature phone to smartphone, choose Android as your OS for your apps
3. ARPU is around 2-3 USD/month, so be wise with your pricing, if you aim micro-price aim at 0.1 - 0.5 USD - the pshycology of user willing to spend for digital product in the lower end market is around 10-20% of the ARPU

Indonesian Population : 241 million (2011) 

Mobile phone user :
CIA Data : 236.8 million (2011)
ITU Data : 236 Million (2011)
Mobile Monday Data : 220 Million (2012)

Mobile Internet User
ITU data : 45million
Mobile Monday data : 55 Million

Smartphone user
ITU Data : 5 million RIM user (May2012)

Based on combination of ITU Data and Businessweek data
5 million RIM user = 37%
iOS 2,5% = 337.000
android 56% = 7.560.000
Overall smartphone user : 13.5 million

Business Week Data : 6 Dec 2012

Mobile Monday Data June 2012

Source :